Torsten Trantow -  THOTRA
Contemporary painter
I work as an artist under the
pseudonym THOTRA. 
Born on May 29, 1975 in South
Baden/Germany. Live and work in my
studio in the Rhine Valley on the
border with Switzerland and France.
I'm married and have two children.

After training as a state-certified 
graphic designer in 2004, I have been
working freelance for publishers and
media for 20 years and drawing
commissioned illustrations for books
and daily newspapers.

In addition to my work as a 
graphic designer, abstract art is also 
close to my heart. Here I live out my
passion for colors and textures
on canvas. In the creative process,
works are created with acrylic
paints, including mixed media. 
Every work is a challenge. 
Balance the colors with the 
texture and experience the
Moment when the surfaces find
their place on the canvas. It feels
right to immerse yourself in this 
creative process.

Designing any canvas is ultimately
an experiment, using all possible 
means to create a work. Inspired by
 street art and graffiti, I try to
create parallels to it on the canvas
with my works. I am always
 impressed by the dynamics 
that are released in the pictures 
on walls. This type of art partly 
flows into my work

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